Guest: Launch CMO at Shazam & Ex-Unilever - Vijay Solanki
Episode # 23
When it comes to innovating inside large organisations it can be a tiresome process. You tend to get bogged down in processes and politics, which means many great ideas end up in the too hard basket. The larger the organisation, the harder it gets. So, there’s a lot corporates can learn from start-ups when it comes to innovating.
My guest in the next episode of the Customer Smarts Podcast Vijay Solanki has an amazing perspective into corporate and start-up worlds. He spent time as launch CMO of Shazam and But also worked with large corporates like Unilever, Philips and Blackberry helping to drive their innovation programs. So, he has a tonne of amazing stories to share.
We explore:·
• What makes innovation inside corporates challenging
• What’s different about start-up culture?
• What corporates need to learn from start-ups
• Some really inspiring start-up stories
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